Parts of computers

Inside the computers

Você já viu algum computador aberto? Nesta aula iremos abordar as peças que compõem a parte interna dos computadores e sua função para o funcionamento plena de toda a máquina. 

 The case

The computer case is a very important part of the computer. It  protects all of the eletronic components inside and provides adequate ventilation to prevent overheating.

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The motherboard
 A motherboard is the central printed circuit board in many modern computers and holds many of the crucial components of the system, while providing connectors for other peripherals.

 The power supply

The  power supply supplies the electrical power for a computer. It supplies power to the motherboard, drives, and certain expansion cards.
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Ram memory

Ram is an abbreviation for Random Access Memory.RAM is the computer´s main memory.

Resultado de imagem para memoria RAM 
The case fan
Case fans are relatively inexpensives and are extremely importants. Computer components generate quite a bit of  heat and must be kept as cool as possible.
Resultado de imagem para cooler de computador 
Hard disk (HD)
Your computer´s hard disk drive store information on a hard disk, rigid platter or stack of platters with a magnetic surface.
Resultado de imagem para hard disk 
